Executive Director
Vivekanandha Educational Institutions
Areas of interests: Service Oriented Architecture, Software Architecture, Agent Technology, Multilingual Computing, Data Communication Networks.
- Indo French Research Fellowship for the year 1983.
- Best thesis award from CNRS (National Council for Scientific Research) France for the year 1986.
- Computer Society of India's Chapter Patron Award for the Year 2004.
- Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan National Award for the Best Engineering College Principal for the year 2013 by ISTE, New Delhi.
- Life Time Achievement Award by Nehru Group of Institutions, Coimbatore for the year 2014.
- International Achievers Award towards Excellence in Education received from Former Deputy Prime Minister Mr.Korn Dabbaransi, Thailand, in the International Achievers Summit on 8th February 2015 at Bangkok.
- Best Academic Administrator Award from Venus International Foundation, Chennai on July 2015.
- Achievement Award from IETE, Erode Centre in recognition of the contribution for the development of Technical Education, November 2015
- Outstanding Engineer Award from The Institution of Engineers (India), Coimbatore Regional Centre for the year 2016.
Other Distinctions
- Expert Member of the UNESCO BANGKOK to account the employability of graduates in India, 2009.
- External Assessor of Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK 2005-2009.
- National Expert of UNIDO for setting up Information Technology Centre at Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Neyveli, 1996 – 1998.
- Expert member of the UGC visiting team to access the proposal of JNTU for the grant of 12(b) status and to review the performance of JNTU during X plan period.
- Expert member of NAAC for Accreditation of Universities and Colleges
- Expert member of NBA of AICTE for Accreditation of Engineering Colleges.
- Member, National Council for Computer Sc. & IT Education of AICTE.
- Member, AICTE board of Studies for Computer Engg./Applications/IT
- Expert member of AICTE for approval of new institutes and project funding.
- Expert member of MHRD for project funding to REC‟s and IIT‟s.
- Member of Faculty Selection Committee of Many Universities and Institutions.
- Member, Tamil Computer research Committee of Tamil Nadu Govt.
- Member, IT policy preparation committee of Govt. Pondicherry.
- Member IT task force of Govt. of Pondicherry.
- Member in academic bodies of many Universities and Institutions.
- Secretary, Vice Chairman, Chairman of Computer Society of India Pondicherry Chapter from 1989 to 1994.
- Chairman, Education and Research Division of Computer Society of India at National level for 2001 to 2003.
Prof. S. Kuppuswami is well known for his Academic Administrative ability. He was responsible for establishing the department of Computer Science at Pondicherry Engineering College and also at Pondicherry University as a first Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department. In recognition of his excellent service, he was appointed as a First Dean of Ramanujan School of Mathematics and Computer Science and then as a Director of Educational Innovations and Rural Reconstructions (Pro Vice Chancellor) of Pondicherry University. He also served as acting Vice Chancellor of Pondicherry University and Former Principal of Kongu Engineering College,perundurai for more than a decade and also a syndicate member of Anna University.
At present he is the Executive director of Vivekanandha Educational Institutions for women, Tiruchengode. He has been awarded Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan National Award for Best Engineering College Principal by ISTE, Life Time Achievement Award by Nehru Group of Institutions, CSI Chapter Patron Award, Best Thesis Award from CNRS (National Council for Scientific Research) France and Indo French Research Fellowship. As an academician, he was responsible for introducing many innovative courses and established international collaboration. He has also served as an IT expert for UNIDO and UNESCO. He has been an External Assessor of Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK. He has also been an expert member of apex academic bodies like MHRD, UGC, NAAC, NBA and AICTE. He has played a vital role in the implementation of IT in Government of Pondicherry. He is an active researcher in the field of Computer Science, published more than 100 research papers and executed national research projects. He has produced more than 15 Ph.Ds Scholars. He pioneered for the research and the development on Tamil Computers.
S.No | Designation | Organization | Number Of Years |
1 | Principal | Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,Erode. | 2008 –2019. |
2 | Acting Vice Chancellor | Pondicherry University | Jan – April2007 |
3 | Director – Pro Vice Chancellor | Pondicherry University | 2006-2008 |
4 | Pondicherry University | 2004-2006 | |
5 | Professor & Head, CSE | Pondicherry University | 1993-2004 |
6 | Professor & Head, CSE | Pondicherry Engineering College | 1988-1993 |
7 | Honoured Research Fellow | University of Grenoble, France | Oct. – Dec.1987 |
8 | Visiting Asst. Professor | IRISA, University of Rennes , France | 1985-1987 |
9 | Research Scholar | IRISA, University of Rennes , France | 1983-1985 |
10 | Lecturer | College of Engineering, Anna University | 1977-1983 |
Special Mentions
- Syndicate Member, Anna University, Chennai 2012-2015
- Member of the Executive Council, Court, Academic Council, Pondicherry University, Puducherry.
- Chairman, Core Committee to suggest reforms on examination system since Dec. 2014.
- External Subject Expert for the Screening Committee to scrutinize the PhD admission process in Medical Informatics, 2014-15
- Member in the Internal Monitory Committee, Anna University, Chennai since July 2014.
- Member in the Standing Council, Anna University, Chennai since July 2014.
- Executive Committee Member of the Anna University Sports Board (AUSB) since September 2013.
- Project Review Committee Member for DST projects
- Member Academic Council, MIT, Anna University, Chennai
- Member Academic Council, Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women (Autonomous), Puducherry.
- Was the Principal Investigator of the sponsored Project on Smart and Secure Environment at a cost of Rs. 1 Crore, funded by National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), Govt of India.
- Was the member of the Indo-Australian research project on Cyber Security System.
- Executed a research project to develop a specialized computer system with Tamil Braille language support for visually handicapped with funding from AICTE - Rs.15 lakhs.
- Responsible for instituting and offering a 3 year "Masters degree in Management Engineering", at Pondicherry University in collaboration with University of Paris X, Nanterre and Alliance Francaise, Pondicherry and acted as the course director.
- Developed and demonstrated a prototype model of Tamil Computer in 1996. Based on our work Tamil Nadu Govt. has taken up the research on Tamil Computer. Involved in standardizing the Tamil keyboard - tam99.
- Associated in the establishment of CASIT Society, Pondicherry and planning for IIIT-P.
- Involved as one of the member in preparing the IT policy of the Govt. of Pondicherry.
Countries Visited
France, UK, Bangkok, Belgium, Monaco, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Oman, Dubai, Egypt, Australia and USA.