TNEA Counselling Code: 2620
About Research and Revelopment

In order to create research facilities and upgrade promotional policies, a separate R & D Cell is functioning in Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women. The R & D cell provides support and guidance to the faculty and students to actively participate in research and innovative activities that is relevant to industry as well as society

Functions of R&D Cell
  • The R&D Cell encourages faculty and students to uplift their knowledge levels in writing research papers, filing patents, applying funded projects and improving skills in developing research methodologies.
  • Incentives are given to the faculty for publications/books/book chapters/patents/sanctioned projects/consultancy activities.

In order to promote research and development activities, the institute extends its full support to faculty. Full/Partial financial support is given to all innovative research & development works taken up by the faculty members. The institute encourages the faculty to participate in National/International Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Training programmes, Tech-Festivals organized by reputed institutes (IITs/NITs/State Engg. Colleges) etc. by giving full/partial financial support viz. course/registration fee, TA/DA etc., as per the research incentive policy.

Research recognition


Research Policy

R & D Cell of Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women [VCEW] provides support and guidance to the faculty members and students to actively participate in research and innovative activities that relevant to industry as well as society. The R & D Cell also encourages faculty members to submit research proposals to various government/non-government funding organizations and continuously monitors the request for project proposals. Research proposals must pass through a multi-tiered review process, during which they are examined by Research Advisory Committee and Code of Ethics Committee.

In order to foster research interest and breakthroughs in the cutting-edge fields of science, engineering, and technology, VCEW has established a strong research policy. It works to promote and encourage a research culture that will improve the professional skills of faculty members and research scholars which will ultimately help the institute to achieve its vision and mission. In order to facilitate experiential learning and lay a solid academic basis, faculty and students are motivated to engage in interdisciplinary research. The R & D Cell also helps the faculty members and students in the following activities.

  • Faculty members are encouraged to register for Ph.D. and getting involved in doing research activities.
  • Faculty members pursuing PhD are encouraged to complete their PhD by providing sabbatical leave with salary benefits.
  • PhD Registration and semester fees are sponsored by the college for the faculty members doing research in the Research Centres of VCEW.
  • Faculty members are encouraged to apply for research projects from international, national funding agencies apart from local bodies, industries and other funding sources for research projects.
  • Providing on duty leave to the faculty members for going outside to do Ph.D related work.
  • Faculty members shall be permitted to attended conference/workshop relevant to their field of research in India or Abroad with special duty leave. Registration fee shall be reimbursed.
  • Faculty members are encouraged to organize International / National Workshops / Seminars /Conferences.
  • Faculty members are provided with special incentives for publishing their work in reputed journals.
  • Innovation, creativity and patents filing are encouraged by establishing separate cells for the said activities in the College.
  • Faculty members are encouraged to apply for seed money from funding agencies or industries relevant to their field of interest.
  • The management will consider seed money for the research projects, if the proof of concept is established by the faculty.

Code of Ethics

All faculty members, students, researcher scholars and staffs of Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women should strictly follow the following code of ethics while undertaking research activities.

  • In all their research endeavours, the faculty members and students should maintain the highest standards of honesty and moral conduct.
  • Before using the lab, equipment, or other facilities, the faculty members and students must obtain the necessary permission from the concerned department head. These facilities need to be handled carefully and with the appropriate safety measures.
  • The findings of research should be attempted to be published as a paper in reputed journals and conferences. Before submitting a work for publication, authors should confirm the amount of plagiarism that is permissible, and if a paper has been approved by a journal or conference, they should notify the same to the concern committee.
  • All publications resulting from research must identify the internal researcher as a member of our Institute. In the case the institute's facilities are used by outside researchers, they should acknowledge the institute.
  • The Researchers must gather information on both human and animal subjects in accordance with the moral standards that govern their usage, and they must respect the laws protecting the protection of personal information. Where necessary, approval from the college's ethical committee can be acquired.
  • Without the institution's approval, the Researchers may not enter into any private agreements with other organizations.
  • Researchers working with potentially harmful substances should take the necessary safety procedures to avoid endangering themselves or others, damaging nearby equipment, or destroying institutional property.
  • Principal investigators and Co-investigators of sponsored project are required to acquire the relevant approvals for the procurement of equipment and keep an inventory with the appropriate labelling for their use.
  • When doing collaborative research with one or more teams, the principal investigator should make sure that all participants are aware of and abide by the research policy.
  • The Institute will assist in supporting the resolution of any disputes amongst Research collaborators over the rights to and potential uses of the Data.
  • Researchers should follow the internal IPR policy if their work produces a product or process that has the potential to be patented. According to IPR regulations, all potential publications relating to such results should wait until the filed patent has reached a certain stage.

Seed Money Policy

Seed Money policy, sponsored by Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women aims to promote research and innovation amongst young faculty. Seed funding under this scheme is to be used to initiate/continue the research work of the new faculty. The objective of this policy is to accelerate the possibility to receive the financial support from external agencies in future. The applicant must clearly and convincingly demonstrate that the proposed project represents a new research direction in an area likely to generate external funding. Research Project that is already supported by other sources will not be considered for funding. The project under seed money policy will be considered as Minor Project and relevant API score will be credited as per rule of VCEW.

Preference will be given to proposals that:
  • Have a high potential for external funding
  • Have significant scientific merit
  • Represent a new direction for the PI
  • Build or strengthen inter-disciplinary research partnerships
Applicant Eligibility & Formalities:
  • Applicant must be a full-time faculty of VCEW.
  • Principal Investigator (PI) must have Ph.D. degree.
  • If a proposal is turned down by the Seed Grant approval committee, the PI is allowed to submit a new proposal in the same year.
  • The seed money grant will be discontinued in the absence of PI for more than 30 days of unsanctioned leave and in such case PI will have to return the money. If the leave is taken due to unforeseen health condition then PI may get special permission to continue the same.
  • In case of resignation without completion of seed money grant, PI has to refund all the money availed under the scheme to VCEW.
  • In case of Maternity Leave, PI will be given special permission to extend their project after joining duty. However, priori permission is required in such cases.
  • After completion PI must submit a proper report along with achievements, and deliver a formal presentation in the respective department before the committee and PI need to submit utilization certificate as per given format.
Grant cannot be used
  • For Travel outside India.
  • For purchase of Laptop /Desktop
Research Centre
Consultancy & IPR Policy
Consultancy Policy
  • Faculty members are encouraged to establish network with other universities within India as well as abroad and go for MoUs.
  • Signing MoU’s with various industries on different domains in science, engineering and technology.
  • Visiting industries to understand the reality and requirement. Acquiring works from small industries near to the institution.
  • Developing small products required for the industries / institutions / society at an affordable cost
  • Aiming environment / ecological balance / economy / energy in mind always and contribute technological support for betterment of nation.
  • Appointing an Industry-Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) Coordinator for carrying out the consultancy, research and product development activities.
  • The selection of IIIC coordinator will be based on rich industrial experience in multiple disciplines.
  • A committee will be constituted to find and execute industrial consultancy, research and product development.
  • Selection of Consultancy Incharge(CI)/Co-Consultant(Co) for the work will be decided by the committee
  • The CI / Co have to create awareness and interest among the students and faculty members for doing the research and consultancy work.
  • The committee will frame the time, cost, venue, and procedural aspects of the work.
  • The committee will have the power to add or remove any of the Co but not the CI.
  • The revenue sharing finalized by the committee is as follows
    • Expenses / Honorarium to CI/Co - 50%
    • Department concerned - 30%
    • Support to the institution - 20%
  • The revenue has to be distributed to the CI/Co concerned and the students involved in the work.
IPR Policy
Clause (a):

VCEW will pay the patenting fee in full for the IPR owned fully by VCEW and revenue sharing will be 60:40 for inventors and institute. In case of multiple inventors, every inventor will get equal share or as per already agreed terms. If VCEW reassigns IP rights to inventors due to any reason Inventors should reimburse patenting fees to the institute.

Clause (b):

For IPR owned between VCEW and agencies, as in the case of sponsored research, sharing of revenue and patenting fees will be as per the rules of the sponsoring agency, if the agency shares the patenting fees. If sponsoring agency is not sponsoring for patenting fees, Clause (a) will be followed.

Clause (c):

For IPR owned between VCEW and Industry, as in the case of collaborative research, sharing of revenue and patenting fees will be as per the agreement with the collaborating industry if the industry shares the patenting fees. If collaborating industry is not sponsoring for patenting fees, Clause (a) will be followed.

IPR Cell Members

Events Organized
India Patent Search
Contact Us

Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women
Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode,
Namakkal - 637205, TamilNadu, India.
+91 94437 34562

For Feedback and Grievances
+91 94437 34562
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+91 94433 16530
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+91 94437 34670, +91 99655 34670
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