TNEA Counselling Code: 2620
About PALS

The PALS is to enable the students to be “Industry Ready” and meet the expectations of the Market, when they launch their career.

PALS is an educational initiative by volunteers from Alumni Fraternity of various IITs, for the benefit of students of engineering colleges. This initiative is supported by IIT Alumni Industry Interaction Centre (IITAC) and IIT Madras Alumni Charitable Trust (IITMACT).

PALS offers a regular engagement with the students and faculty through a series of events conducted throughout the year with various activities. It features various events such as insightful general and technical lectures, Industry visits, an Innovation Challenge Competition and various Workshops and Seminars for students as well as for faculty.

The various offerings of PALS are delivered by and with active collaboration from Faculty, Management and Alumni of various IITs, apart from domain experts from across the globe. We also collaborate actively with IIT Madras Research Park / Start up incubation cells, TLC (Teaching Learning Center) RuTAG (Rural Technology Action Group), E-Cell etc of IIT Madras.

With the complete 360-degree intervention that PALS offers we believe, PALS provide students with an exposure to the industry so that they are more confident in their engineering career.

  • Year long competition, from start to finals.
  • Enables students develop business, communication and presentation skills, teamwork and leadership capabilities
  • Gives students an understanding of engineering industry practices, including rigors of documentation and compliance.
  • Enables students, through practical experience, to pick up the threads of entrepreneurship.

PALS connects students / faculty to industry through its industry-centric intervention by various programs outside of the academia such as Industry Speak seminars, T2P, Analyze, Student Leader Program, Hackathon, innoWAH!, Industry visit – to name a few key ones. Internship is another offering to strengthen the Industry – Academia Interface.

PALS offers Internship to Students and Faculty with the main objectives as

  • Help provide the Industrial connect.
  • Provide the exposure to Students / Faculty on a real time work experience on solving an Industry problem
  • Help develop skills and techniques required by the Industry and that can be mapped to the curriculum.

Students learn many theoretical concepts during their course, often wondering how these are used in the industry.

PALS T2P Lectures to students by Eminent Experts provide deep insight through examples, as to the practical application of theory to solve industry problems


PALS aspires to provide students with knowledge on current trends in the industry through a series of “Technology Speaks” sessions comprising lectures by Eminent Experts from Industry.

This year the theme for the Lectures will be “Emerging Technologies”. Subjects covered include AI, Data Sciences, Cyber security, Quantum Computing, Robotics, 3D Printing, Industry 4.0 etc.


Case Study Based Event


Two students from each of Partner Institutes are selected in consultation with the EC members. Apart from their role to encourage student participation from their institute in PALS events, they are encouraged to develop their leadership potential thru periodic interaction and reviews with the PALS team.


Partnership with NIT Karnataka, Suratkal;

NITK is one of the 12 nodal partners of VLABS promoted by MHRD (

PALS has tied up with NITK to introduce VLABS in an impactful and useful manner to its PIs


Students will be exposed to tools to use for arriving at the solutions. This is an event engagement with three parts. Learning the tools. Applying tools to get solutions. Followed by internship and incubating possibilities. This is done with involvement and deep engagement from our industry partner and our anchor IITM.


A program that provides an opportunity for faculty and students to get first-hand real-world shop-floor experience of an Industry

Helps in transfer of the application knowledge to faculty for a better appreciation of the theoretical concepts in addition to exposure to latest technology and contemporary practices.


To provide Faculty members exposure on recent trends and best practices followed in the industry.


In line with PALS 22-23 theme, we are trying to create a structure to enable ideas generated from innoWAH!, RuTAG to be taken to the next level


The RSW in the conventional format is a three-day residential program conducted at IIT. Madras

The main objective of the program is to encourage students to think on creative solutions to problems. They are encouraged to understand a problem, develop solutions and create a working prototype, which is then judged on its ability to meet set criteria

Team building, understanding the skills each of them bring to the table and the confidence of building a working model are additional learnings from this program.


Contact Us

Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women
Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode,
Namakkal - 637205, TamilNadu, India.
+91 94437 34562

For Feedback and Grievances
+91 94437 34562
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+91 94433 16530
Admission Contact
+91 94437 34670, +91 99655 34670
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